
2024 Blog List

  • Naturalism

  • Charlie Russell

  • Vision

  • The Naturalist

  • Tonalism

  • Tim Breaux Interview

  • George Washington Carver

Frederic Remington, painter of the American West, sculptor, and writer.

I first met Andy Thomas almost 40 years ago when participating in a Midwest Gathering of Artists show...

George Washington Carver - I began writing this weekly blog on...

Tim Breaux interview - Hello John, I am a pharmacist...

Tonalism - Art movements usually arise from groups of like minded people...

The Naturalism movement swept through Europe and lasted for only a brief 20 years...

Vision - Everything we see with our eyes, hear, touch, taste, and smell were first...

Western Art can’t be discussed without referencing Charles Marion Russell also known as Charlie Russell....

I first heard the term “Naturalism” in 1987 ...